Kevin Keele's Toned Paper Illustrations

Kevin Keele is an award-winning professional illustrator and game designer. He's created artwork for more than 30 book covers including the Hardy Boys series and the New York Times bestselling Masterminds series. He has also worked for Disney Interactive Studios as an art director for which his published titles include favorites like Chicken Little, Meet the Robinsons, Hannah Montana, Bolt, Cars 2, and Toy Story 3 to name few.

We are fascinated by Kevin's digital rendering skills and his hands-on, pen-to-paper rendering skills. He enjoys using our 400 Series Toned Gray paper for many of his illustrations. 

Here's a bit of insight on his process for creating these awesome drawings:


Step 1: Start with a rough, light drawing using a ballpoint pen (Kevin prefers zebra f-301's)

Step 2: Fill in the shadows with a 50% gray marker (Kevin uses Prismacolor)

Step 3: Using the ballpoint pen again, fill in all the rest of the dark details

Step 4: Use a white gelly roll pen to add highlights 

See more of Kevin's amazing illustrations on his website and Instagram page.



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