Journal 4 - Alexis

This book is named Alexis after the rich history this name carries within the Strathmore line of papers. One of the first products to come off the machine in 1893 was Alexis Bond. In 1929, student-grade papers were introduced under the banner Alexis. Then in 1950, the first Strathmore pad product was introduced as Alexis Drawing. Finally, in 1974, 300 Series is introduced, Alexis becomes what is currently known as 400 Series, and the Artist 500 Series is also introduced.

Ariella Seltzer

Thousand Oaks, CA

Title: Organized Chaos, Flight of the Butterfly
Medium: Watercolor & upcycled paper

Full time Costume Designer for Disney.

Ignacio Rodriguez

Pasadena, CA

Title: Craving You!
Medium: Metallic Gold Ink and Acrylic

Designer from LA. FIDM Grad. Designer for the Disney Store for the past 6 years.

Visit Ignacio's Website

Enrique Pita

Altadena, CA

Title: A Lesson in Lying
Medium: Watercolor

I'm former Disney Artist. Now I'm a Freelance artist, character designer, illustrator and do commission art from my Art Studio in Altadena, CA

Visit Enrique's Website

Mike Sheehan

Lake arrowhead, CA

Title: Zuli Dreams of Paris
Medium: Watercolor, ink, pencil

Zuli, the dog in this image is a real pup. She just got her new home. Since she doesn't have to dream of a home anymore, she's free to dream of other things. Like Paris. Bio is on my website. Cheers!

Visit Mike's Website